# Customizing Keydown Behaviour
# selectOnKeyCodes v3.3.0+
selectOnKeyCodes {Array}
is an array of keyCodes that will trigger a typeAheadSelect. Any keyCodes
in this array will prevent the default event action and trigger a typeahead select. By default,
it's just [13]
for return. For example, maybe you want to tag on a comma keystroke:
<!-- tag on 188/comma & 13/return -->
<v-select no-drop taggable multiple :select-on-key-codes="[188, 13]" />
# mapKeyDown v3.3.0+
Vue Select provides the map-keydown
Function prop to allow for customizing the components response to
keydown events while the search input has focus.
* @param map {Object} Mapped keyCode to handlers { <keyCode>:<callback> }
* @param vm {VueSelect}
* @return {Object}
(map, vm) => map,
By default, the prop is a no–op returning the same object map
object it receives. This object
maps keyCodes to handlers: { <keyCode>: <callback> }
. Modifying this object can override default
functionality, or add handlers for different keys that the component doesn't normally listen for.
Note that any keyCodes you've added to selectOnKeyCodes
will be passed to map-keydown
as well,
so map-keydown
will always take precedence.
Default Handlers
// delete
8: e => this.maybeDeleteValue()
// tab
9: e => this.onTab()
// enter
13: e => {
return this.typeAheadSelect();
// esc
27: e => this.onEscape()
// up
38: e => {
return this.typeAheadUp();
// down
40: e => {
return this.typeAheadDown();
# Example: Autocomplete Email Addresses
This is example listens for the @
key, and autocompletes an email address with @gmail.com
placeholder="enter an email"
export default {
name: 'CustomHandlers',
methods: {
handlers: (map, vm) => ({
50: (e) => {
if (e.key === '@' && vm.search.length > 0) {
vm.search = `${vm.search}@gmail.com`