
This section of the guide is a work in progress! Check back soon for an update. Vue Select currently offers quite a few scoped slots, and you can check out the API Docs for Slots in the meantime while a good guide is put together.

# Scoped Slot option

vue-select provides the scoped option slot in order to create custom dropdown templates.

<v-select :options="options" label="title">
  <template v-slot:option="option">
    <span :class="option.icon"></span>
    {{ option.title }}

Using the option slot with props "option" provides the current option variable to the template.

# Improving the default no-options text

The no-options slot is displayed in the dropdown when filteredOptions === 0. By default, it displays Sorry, no matching options. You can add more contextual information by using the slot in your own apps.

    <template v-slot:no-options="{ search, searching }">
      <template v-if="searching">
        No results found for <em>{{ search }}</em
      <em v-else style="opacity: 0.5">Start typing to search for a country.</em>

export default {
  name: 'BetterNoOptions',