# Options Prop

vue-select accepts arrays of primitive values or objects to use as options through the options prop:

<!-- array of strings or numbers -->
<v-select :options="['Canada', 'United States']"></v-select>
<!-- or, an array of objects -->
<v-select :options="[{label: 'Canada', code: 'ca'}]"></v-select>

# Option Labels

# Options as Primitives (strings, numbers, boolean)

When options contains strings or numbers, they'll be used as the label for the option within the component. No further configuration is necessary.

# Options as Objects

When options is an array of objects, the component must generate a label to be shown as the options text. By default, vue-select will attempt to render option.label as the option label. You might not have a label key in your objects, so you can set your own label to match your source data using the label {String} prop.

For example, consider an object with countryCode and countryName properties:

  countryCode: "CA",
  countryName: "Canada"

If you wanted to display Canada in the dropdown, you'd use the countryName key:

<v-select label="countryName" :options="countries"></v-select>

# Null / Empty Options

vue-select requires the options prop to be an array. If you are using Vue in development mode, you will get warnings attempting to pass anything other than an array to the options prop. If you need a null/empty value, use an empty array [].